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首個含殺滅新冠病毒技術防衛殺菌睡膜 3L TBed上市

經本港及澳州著名大學測試 10分鐘內消除病菌病毒傳染能力 旅行公幹必備   

在持續的新冠肺炎肆虐下,全球人類對防疫保護意識有著從未有過的高度關注,持續超過一年的疫情下市民外遊公幹的渴求亦處於從未有過的歷史高點,根據美國睡眠科學專家1的研究顯示,使用5年的床褥的含菌量竟高達1,300萬CFU(菌落形成單位),含菌量比廁板172 CFU多出75,000倍!研究亦發現床具中含有多種細菌類別,包括革蘭氏陽性菌和桿菌(金黃色葡萄球菌、肺炎鏈球菌, 李斯特菌等),而革蘭氏陰性桿菌(大腸桿菌、淋球菌, 腦膜炎雙球菌等)含量最高達41%,可引致肺炎、過敏或各類型的皮膚感染,危害我們的健康。

三生健康科技國際控股有限公司(3L Heath & Technology)有見及次特別設計及製造集以下特點於一身的 3L Tbed防衛殺菌睡膜,務求保障人類健康尤其是經常外遊公幹人士,避免在飛機、火車及酒店等高危地方受到病菌病毒感染和各種塵蟎及微生物影響睡眠

* 3L專利CVN®️技術可殺滅病菌病毒技術

* 高級冰絲布料柔軟、透氣、輕盈、超滑,高舒適度體感

* 防護睡膜(行政版)淨重850g(罐裝可樂淨重350g),方便上機攜帶

* 可機洗及多次重複使用

三生健康科技國際控股有限公司創辦人 Louie 為香港土生土長的布料達人,有見在疫苗推出後,大量外遊公幹市民渴求將會迎來爆發性的釋放,因此希望設計出可殺滅病菌病毒及舒適度高的防衛殺菌睡膜,希望為市民外遊時帶來最好的防護。防衛殺菌睡膜採用高級冰絲,柔軟、透氣、輕盈且快乾的選料為用家帶來最佳的柔軟舒適感覺。

港大研究2發現,新型冠狀病毒在環境中可長時間存活,在纖維外層可存活7日。若用家在這段期間接觸到該纖維的外層,也會有機會感染病毒。針對這一點,3L TBed使用專利CVN®️技術把不含重金屬抗菌溶劑植入整個TBed睡膜布料纖維中,對沉積在纖維上的病毒顆粒進行外膜撕開,破壞其遺傳因子,造成短時間內能消除病菌病毒傳染能力。根據澳州著名大學的測試和研究指出,經專利CVN®️技術處理的纖維,10分鐘內能降低新冠病毒活性及 1小時內消除其傳染能力。同時亦通過其他病毒和細菌測試,包括甲型流感病毒 (H1N1) 及其他傳播性強如耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌 (MRSA) 及大腸桿菌 (Escherichia Coli) 等病毒。最近 3L Heath & Technology 更委托香港著名大學使用COVID-19病毒株作測試,結果亦證實 3L Tbed 能 10分鐘內消除COVID-19病毒傳染能力,成為全球首個含殺滅新冠病毒技術的防衛殺菌睡膜。






呎吋:240cm(長度) x 103cm(寬度) [包裝袋呎吋: 16cm(高度) x 26cm(寬度)]


雙人版TBed睡膜 (限量款式)



呎吋:240cm(長度) x 180cm(寬度) [包裝袋呎吋: 23.5cm(高度) x 26cm(寬度)]


The World's first protective sleeping TBed with COVID-killing technology

Under the continuous outbreak of COVID-19, people around the world have never been more concerned of epidemic prevention and protection. Travellers, many of whom have been largely confined to their homes for months, are starting to dream again of travelling on a vacation at an unprecedented high point. According to American sleep science experts research shows the bacteria and virus in a 5-years-old mattress is as high as 13M CFU (Colony Forming Units), which is 75,000 times more than the 172 CFU of the toilet board! The study also found that the bed contains multiple types of bacteria, including Gram-positive bacteria and bacilli (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria, etc.), and Gram-negative bacilli (E. coli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, meningitis) The content of diplococcus, etc.) is up to 41%, which can cause pneumonia, allergies or various types of skin infections, and endanger our health.

3L Health & Technology, a Hong Kong company specializing in the development of antiviral, breathable and hydrophobic fabrics, proudly presents the world's first protective sleeping inlet with new COVID-killing technology. Tested by renowned universities in Hong Kong and Australia, 3L TBed can kill bacteria & virus in 10 minutes. 3L TBed that integrates the following features in order to protect human health, especially for those who travel frequently on business or vacation. It serves as a protective barrier in high-risk places such as aircraft cabins, trains and hotels.

* 3L patented CVN®️ Tech have applied on each 3L TBed, it has proved to kill more than 99% of bacteria and viruses.

* The luxury silky fine rayon used is ultra-comfy, breathable and weightless. It’s like second skin and it is very easy to dry.

* Net weight is only 650g, it is compact in size and perfectly fit in any bags or luggage.

*Machine washable. Test proved that the sterilization function still effective after 30 washings.

According to The University of Hong Kong research, the COVID-19 can survive for a long time in the environment and can survive for 7 days in the outer layer of fabric. There is also a chance of infecting COVID-19 if the user touches the outer layer of fabric during this time. In response to this imminent demand of safeguarding our health, 3L Health & Technology using patented CVN®️ Tech which implant heavy metal-free antiviral solvents into the entire 3L TBed fabric, which can tear the outer membrane of the virus deposited on the fabric and expose its genetic materials and therefore eliminating its infectious ability. According to research conducted by a renowned university in Australia, fabric treated with CVN®️ Tech can reduce the activity of the COVID-19 within 10 minutes and eliminate the infectious ability within 1 hour. Our 3L TBed has successfully passed other virus and bacterial tests such as influenza A virus (H1N1) and other viruses with strong transmission such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Escherichia Coli. WE have also invited a renowned university in Hong Kong to use the COVID-19 strain for testing. The results also confirmed that the fibric of 3L TBed can eliminate the COVID-19 effectively within 10 minutes and this has become the world's first protective sleeping inlet with COVID-killing technology.

3L Caring Tour Bed (TBed) Details:

Material: Silky fine rayon

Colors available: Light Gray

Executive version

Size: 240cm (length) x 103cm (width) [Package size: 16cm (height) x 26cm (width)]

Weight : 850g

Double bed version (Limited Edition)

Size: 240cm (length) x 180cm (width) [Package size: 23.5cm (height) x 26cm (width)]

Weight : 1500g

1 “Bacteria in your bed” by McKenzie Hyde

2 “Stability of SARS-CoV-2 in different environmental conditions”

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